Bought a Seahawk in August for my big trip to French Polynesia in Sept

Bought a Seahawk in August for my big trip to French Polynesia in Sept. Also brought my Tilley. I started with my Shelta hat, and never used anything else on the trip. Took a few dunkings while I was SUPing and it held up great. Dealt like a champ with lots of rain, and with serious wind and sea spray on the zodiac rides. The fixed brim just makes such a positive difference in the feel and performance of the hat. Lots of little features that show you used real world experience to guide the development of this hat. Only thing I haven’t managed to test yet is real high temps and how well the Seahawk vents heat. But regardless, I’m a fan.

Kevin Zarling
October 2 at 2:25 PM

Thanks Kevin

Football is here! Coach @warrior_scholar_1 using his Shelta to keep cool and protected during the season. Good luck and Thanks for the tag coach!

Football is here! Coach @warrior_scholar_1 using his Shelta to keep cool and protected during the season. Good luck and Thanks for the tag coach! ……………….
Tough loss today but the loss presents us with an opportunity to grow and get better as a team. Game day is the highlight of my week. Lots to work on next week. .

Monte Coon reviewed Shelta Hats — 5 star

Monte Coon reviewed Shelta Hats — 5 star
February 20 ·
Best outdoor hat I’ve ever owned and I’ve had all of them including the Tilley which is nice but has nowhere near the breathability or functionality of the Shelta Hat. Being a competitive bass angler I need a hat that will stay on my head making long runs in the boat at high speeds without flapping in my face and it has to be comfortable for 10-12 hour days on the water and the Shelta is perfect for that in every way. I just got the sun gaiter and shade mullet and can’t wait to try them too. Shelta is more than a hat it’s a high performance sun protection system with style and I couldn’t be happier with mine!!!